You say you really know me
You're not afraid to show me, what is in your eyes
Sunday, May 2, 2010 / 7:55 PM

call me a nerd but THIS IS SO COOL AHAHAHA

Friday, April 30, 2010 / 10:25 AM

Don't you love it when it's IT and Mrs Lim isn't here :)

definitely not taking triple science next year.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 / 10:14 PM

TRANSCRIPTION (in the nucleus)

1 – The nucleotide sequence in DNA is copied onto the mRNA.

2 – mRNA then acts as a messenger/middleman. It exits the nucleus, into the cytoplasm and attaches itself to the ribosome.

TRANSLATION (in the cytoplasm)

3 – During translation, the mRNA acts as a template, the ribosome as a decoder, and the tRNA as the carriers of amino acids.

4 – The amino acids are then arranged in a particular order, according to the nucleotide sequence on the mRNA, and form a polypeptide chain of amino acids. This eventually becomes a structural or functional protein.

gahh i still have four more chapters to go.

then of course there's chem, geog, history, math and every other subject i haven't studied hehh.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 / 10:37 PM

i should have started it earlier :\

/ 9:48 PM

tag replies:
/ 9:36 PM

nichole: yay you now know how to tag haha (:
rachel: ecstasy.
carolyn: HAHAHA you scared my --
camellia: yeah but it sounds weird and it doesn't even make sense :D

hahaha this facebook group is so true ;)
/ 9:33 PM


monday, still.
Monday, April 26, 2010 / 9:30 PM

training was cancelled todayy. carolyn and nichole came to my house to study, but we didn't do that very well heh. :) mostly we ate. and carolyn spent most of her time comparing bieber and buble, if you know what i mean. winkwink ;)

today, i wore fbts instead of school shorts to school. MLIA
hahah i just felt like adding that in ;)
when i took my pinafore off for PE THAT'S WHEN I FINALLY REALISED. :( good thing training was cancelled.

so i had to put my pinafore back on and i couldn't do pe. not that we did much anyway, almost everyone was playing badminton so me mel and camel went to the playground and mel spent the whole time trying to figure out how to do a pirouette which she still doesn't know how to do (; me and camel convinced her to join dance :D

Hey soul sister, i don't want to miss a single thing you do, tonight
hey-ay, hey-ay-ay-ay-ay, hey-ay-ay-ay-ay.
| C | G | Am | F |

nichole's bringing her guitar tomorrow. i would bring mine instead, but i don't feel like carrying it all the way to school ahah so i'll let her do it (:

does anyone know the exact lyrics to "i'm yours" by jason mraz because there's this whole argument thing whether the first line is either:

a) you done done me and you bet i felt it
b) you donned on me and you bet i felt it
c) -- HAHA YOU KNOW WHAT, this one is so sick i don't feel like putting it up here. but you can pretty much guess. BLAME RACHEL CHENG. --

free period during math tomorroww (:

heh so cute.
/ 6:25 PM

/ 3:29 PM

"yeah, TOTALLY! ... spies." - carolyn (HAHA WHO ELSE.)

Sunday, April 25, 2010 / 10:45 PM


sunday morning, rain is falling;
/ 6:32 PM

sunday morning, rain is falling - because it's sunday and in the morning IT ACTUALLY RAINED. see the link, see the link? :D haha okay anyway.

today was pretty much like every other sunday. we had dg outing and i had to walk all the way from the bus stop to ben and jerry's up the hill. and now my legs kinda hurt. heh.

yupp so we spent our time eating and trying to get grace and gayle to eat. but the worst part was when we were actually going back from ben and jerry's to jym, because it was such a long walk. so we decided to cut across the field which didn't quite turn out to be a good idea because the gate on the other side of the field was locked. and we had to walk all the way back out the other side of the field and take the long way anyway :( haha. but it was fun. in a tiring sort of way.

tag replies:
@sam: HAHA yay?
@mel: aww, it's okay. yes i did finally update it it's been dead for so long ;)
@tammie: LINKED (:
@liz: aw so sweet and what were you doing online so early! haha.

i'd post a longer post but i really need to study now :)